

Well, first post... Is this how you start one of these things? Feels Awkward. Do I introduce myself? To who? That's what is making this so hard, see? If I could picture to whom I am speaking... if i could envision my audience, if you would, this would be much simpler. My name is Will.

Why was this piece selected as Numero uno? I felt it was important to preserve it digitally as the acid in the coffee used for the background wash is, as we speak, slowly (or maybe quickly...who knows how long things like that take?) dissolving the paper it was applied to. Wow. That reminds me of the Strangler Fig. Well, actually, not so much if I think about it. But it does remind me of some people (and Governments) I know and they remind me of the Majestic Strangler Fig, so it all works out. This piece resides in the private collection of an unknown individual. It was sold at auction and although I won't reveal how much it sold for, i will say that it was a bargain. Lucky You, whoever won that bid!!! (leave a comment if you ever read this and tell me where you hung it in your house... i'm thinking bathroom or dining room, hmmmm....)

This is the full piece, by the way, nothing up above the shoulders. Just like this. I hope somebody reads this... and looks at the art... and leaves a comment... and shares it with all of their friends and family... and comes back often, hungrily scrounging for more...



Anonymous said...

I think this piece is awesome. It is so complex that one could spend endless time analyzing its deeper meaning. Have you been peeking in my window?

Anonymous said...

When it comes to art words are irrelevant. On the other hand this piece makes me feel. I'm not sure what but it makes me feel and question what are bodies about anyway.

Anonymous said...

True art draws passion from its watcher.
It captivates thoughts and demands
amaze, wonder and sentiment.

She has lost something
She knows where it is
But she delicately dissolves
Out of reach
But she still tries to retrieve it..
Is she sad? I think so
Her sadness represents a subtle beauty
hidden beneath her flesh
Incomplete but she is alive
was she ever as I am.
I am fascinated
I have wandered into her world
And he who brought me here
Has a distinctive gift

I am indebted to such brilliance
And I fervently await more